meet the


Hey there my friend! My name is Johnna but you can call me Jojo. I was born and raised in South Louisiana. I spent most of my childhood playing outdoors during the day, and by nightfall I was glued to my Gamecube or designing houses on The Sims 2 with the computer. When MySpace came around, I was introduced into the world of HTML coding to create the perfect aesthetically pleasing profile that fit the vibe I had going for the week. Yes, it changed every. single. weekend.

I realized at an early age that I was blessed by the creativity that runs through the veins of my mother (she's crazier lookin' than me!!) I was always creating some kind of business brand identity from national parks to thrift shops to lemonade stands. Illustration wasn't what made me fall in love with graphic design... it was building the visual image and structure of operations to make it run smoothly!

I attended Louisiana Tech University to pursue a degree in Graphic Design. I was also involved with extracurriculars such as Delta Delta Delta (DLAM!) and Union Board. DDD taught me networking within a strong community of women and UB taught me event coordination, publicity, and being a Vice President (because I was VP hehe)

After graduating college, I moved to Baton Rouge. New city, new opportunities! However, finding a job in graphic design is TOUGH when you don't have a network to rely on! I managed to snag a gig as receptionist at a wholesale flooring company where I grew and learned a collection of administration tasks for multiple departments. I was essentially the creative director at an animal conservation facility briefly as well as recently a full time farmer. Oh, did I also mention I was a wedding videographer for three years?? Yea, I’ve done quite a collection of things!

My interests change on a weekly basis, depending on what rabbit hole of market research I am falling down… but the consistent ones are going to the gym, collecting trinkets, and mixing music.

Check out my Spotify here if you’re interested in listening to some playlists I have curated!

With my deeply rooted desire to collect, it's pretty safe to say that I've got quite a few skills in my bag of holding. I finally decided take the leap of faith to start my own business to utilize the skills I have learned through the years to help small businesses owners reach their fullest potential. I love doing the day to day boring administrative and management tasks that a lot of individuals loathe to do and wait until last minute to set up - so why not let me take over for you. Nothing sets a fire in my heart more than helping people succeed and to live the life they desire!